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Tuesday, 6 October 2009

The Shining

Vladimir Propp's eight character roles could be seen in The Shining, they could be identified in different ways, this is one example:
The villian - Jack Torrance
The hero - Wendy and Danny Torrance
The donor - Dick Hallorann (head chef)
The helper - Tony
The princess - Danny Torrance
Princess' 'father' - Wendy Torrance
The dispatcher - employer
The false hero - Jack Torrance

Therefore, it could be argued that, Propp's character roles fit into The Shining. However, when it comes to the 31 narrative functions (preparation, complication, transference, struggle, return and recognition) Propp's order of events in his theory does not fit into the narrative of The Shining. A lot of the functions are in the film, although not necassarily in the right order, if they do appear. A lot of the functions appear in the film, up until the 'struggle' section of Propp's theory. Struggle, return and recognition in his theory do not seem to follow the narrative of the Shining.

In conclusion, The Shining does not follow Propp's narrative functions in the correct order, if at all. However, the 8 character roles do seem to appear in the film. Some of the roles can be argued differently, but it seems to be that they are all there.

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